Running Injuries Resolved

Running Injuries Resolved

The Honolulu Marathon is just around the corner and runners of all sorts are training hard and piling up miles under their feet.  Runners from professional level to amateur runners.  During any type of training some individuals face physical tribulations and bumps in the road towards their goal.  Plantar Fasciitis and Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) are two out of the top five running injuries that may occur and alter any training program.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is a frustrating repetitive pounding injury in the bottom of the foot that commonly begins in the heel.  The pain is a sharp and tight sensation in the bottom of the foot through the base of the heel.  Plantar Fasciitis is when inflammation occurs at the covering sheath of the plantar muscle due to over usage, poor arch support and shoes and overtraining.  The muscles in the foot tightens and weakens and the heel begins to overload and pulls on the fascia of the foot causing scar tissue and inflammation.  The pain may subside during a run or post stretching but usually returns, pain usually is worst in the mornings.

Running Injury

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

ITBS, or Iliotibial Band Syndrome is when the band that connect the lateral aspect of the hip to the later side of the knee becomes agitated and inflamed due to repetitive and excessive knee flexion and extension especially when running on a decline.  Tension and stress on the lateral side of the knee causes friction between the ITB and the lateral side of the femur where the connection is made and causes sharp pains and swelling at the knee when the ITB starts to glide over the area due to the ITB increasing in tightness.  Pain may intensify and sometimes disable the runner to keep running.

Running Injury

Kinesio Taping for Treatment

A great treatment that may assist in relieving these injuries and pain, speed up recovery, prevent further inflammation and contribute to your further running performance is Kinesio Taping.  Kinesio Taping technique is an exoskeletal support that physiological effects the skin, fascia, lymphatic, circulatory system, muscles, ligaments and tendons.  It is placed on the skin to help promote circulation, inhibit (lengthen) muscles, fascilitate (strengthen) muscles and decrease inflammation.

Kinesio Taping for plantar fasciitis is used to decrease the tension of the fascial pull.  Kinesio tape can be used during recovery to correct and reeducate muscles to its normality to help with healing.  Post recovery Kinesio Taping is used to prevent further fascial tension and improve strength and support.

Running Injury

  • Prepare the skin of where the tape will be applied. Clean the area well to gain skin contact.
  • Cut two “I” strips or use two pre-cut “I” strips. Take one of the strips and cut one end to four strips fan technique to the length of the plantar muscle or from the ball of the foot to about near the origin of the plantar muscle and fascia.
  • Place foot in relaxed position and anchor the none  cut end to the posterior side of the calcaneal bone.
  • Take the foot to full dorsal flexion which puts the plantar fascia on a stretch. Place and anchor the four cut ends to the ball of the foot or metatarsal heads using 75-100% tension.  Make sure to lay down the end of each fan strip with NO tension.
  • Activate the tape by rubbing firmly to create heat and allow the tape adhere to the skin.
  • The remaining “I” strip is used for Metatarsal Arch Mechanical Correction. Place foot in dorsiflexion and place anchor distal to the base of the 5th metatarsal or lateral arch.
  • Take the tape to 15-50+% tension and look for wrinkles in the plantar fascia as you pull across.
  • Anchor tape near the tarsal navicular joint, if foot pulls medially, position the foot back into dorsiflexion.
  • Finally activate the tape again.

Kinesio Taping for Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) is used to mainly decrease the friction at the lateral (outer) knee.   Kinesio tape will help lift pressure off the later knee and assist in decreasing inflammation and preventing further friction in the repetitive flexion and extension of the knee.

Running Injury

  • Begin by measuring the length of Kinesio Tape needed to cover the Iliotibial Band from origin to insertion of the area. The application of the strip will be an “I” strip.
  • Anchor the strip just below the insertion of the IT Band (Gertie’s tubercle) with NO tension.
  • Then place the leg in a position which stretches the IT band. Apply the Kinesio tape with 10-50% tension on the tape.
  • Lay down the other end, again with NO tension. Rub tape to activate adhesive.
  • To promote more fascial correction and reduce tension, prepare an “I” strip from 3-4 squares.
  • Extend the knee and anchor the Kinesio Tape just posterior and inferior to the lateral femoral condyle with NO tension.
  • Place the knee into flexion and apply the tape just superior to the knee cap with 50-75% tension, which will assist in lifting the pressure in the area, to decrease friction.
  • Rub tape to activate adhesive.


Here at Oahu Spine and Rehab we are able to be your source for kinesiology taping in Kailua. Contact us and book an appointment with us today to talk about a plan to keep you injury-free this marathon season!



Clinical Therapeutic Applications of the Kinesio Taping Method 3rd Edition, Dr. Kenzo Kase, Jim Wallis, Tsuyoshu Kase.

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