Chiropractor Honolulu, HI | Over 90 Five Star Patient Reviews!
Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractor Honolulu, HI

Function follows form, and your body illustrates just how structure and function are intrinsically related. The goal of chiropractic care is to normalize this relationship. Chiropractic treatment is the most common and effective nonsurgical treatment for back pain, but many painful conditions are caused by a misalignment within the musculoskeletal system. Through specialized gentle manipulation, a chiropractor can relieve pain, correct misalignments, and promote a foundation of wellness. The chiropractic doctors at Oahu Spine and Rehab in Honolulu know that a healthy body is achieved through a healthy spine, nervous system, muscles, and joints.

Take Control Of Pain. Schedule Your Consultation.

Chiropractic Adjustments Honolulu

Don’t shoulder the burden of chronic pain on your own. Our team of physicians and specialists can evaluate, diagnose, and treat pain and discomfort in our new chiropractic care center in Oahu. With personalized attention and care, Oahu Spine and Rehab will be your Honolulu Chiropractor who will alleviate your pain so that you can return to a healthy and active life.

Who Should See A Chiropractor

Who Should See A Chiropractor?

It is estimated that doctors of chiropractic treat more than 30 million people annually. This makes doctors of chiropractic the third largest group of doctorate-level, primary-care providers in the nation (behind only medical doctors and dentists). More than 35% of patients receiving chiropractic care were being treated for mid or low back pain and almost 20% were being treated for neck pain. More than 1/2 of those said that these symptoms were chronic.

“Patients with chronic low-back pain treated by chiropractors showed greater improvement and satisfaction at one month than patients treated by family physicians. Satisfaction scores were higher for chiropractic patients. A higher proportion of chiropractic patients (56 percent vs. 13 percent) reported that their low-back pain was better or much better, whereas nearly one-third of medical patients reported their low-back pain was worse or much worse.”

– Nyiendo et al (2000), Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics

Types Of Chiropractic Treatment

Some of the most common conditions treated by chiropractors are

  1. Back pain
  2. Neck pain
  3. Carpal tunnel
  4. Whiplash
  5. Auto injuries
  6. Sports injuries
  7. Chronic pain
  8. Arthritis

chiropractic treatment oahu

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