Save Your Knee Cartilage with Weight Loss

Save Your Knee Cartilage with Weight Loss

Here’s another great reason to get your New Year’s resolution started early.  Research presented at the Radiologic Society of North America’s meeting just yesterday lends evidence to what we’ve long believed:  that weight loss slows cartilage degeneration in the knee from arthritis. Here at our integrated

The study was done in a randomized group of 500 patients with mild-moderate degrees of osteoarthritis of the knee.  Over four years of follow up showed that significant weight loss (more than 10% of excess body weight) protected against cartilage degeneration.

The more weight loss the participants had, the better the result.  The earlier weight loss was initiated in the course of patients’ disease, the better the result.  For those of us living on Oahu where we have the luxury of enjoying outdoor sports year-round, this is a fantastic way to improve your quality of life if you have arthritis in the early stages.

It is not a surprise that weight loss can benefit your joints and bones. If you are carrying excess weight, it can make day to day activities more difficult and put extra stress on your joints while you are exercising. Here at Oahu Spine & Rehab we have a lot of knee pain patients come into our office. Through our integrated health center – including OSR Weight Management– we are able to help cure you knee pain for good. So don’t delay your New Year’s resolution.  Get started on improving your health with us today.  2016 is only 4.5 weeks away – how much weight do you want to lose by then?



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