Veteran’s Day Special at OSR

Veteran’s Day Special at OSR

Here at Oahu Spine & Rehab in Kailua we are honoring our nation’s Veterans with an unbeatable Veteran’s Day Special. Not only are we located right out the back gate of Marine Corps Base Hawaii, but we also provide our services to military members and their families every single day in our office. Here at our chiropractic clinic in Kailua we work closely with the VA to provide the best services to veterans, year round.



Chronic pain is one of the most common complaints of military members and veterans. The long strenuous work hours, deployments and field ops leave veterans in pain with little to no resources to get it taken care of. According to a report done in June 2014 by JAMA Internal Medicine showed that 44% of military members suffer from chronic pain after a combat deployment which is almost twice as high as the general public.

Don’t let a veterans pain go unnoticed. Here at Oahu Spine & Rehab our physical therapy team is here to help your chronic pain with our personalized treatment plans. Share this special for any and all veterans that you know. Give us a call today at 488-5555 to set up an appointment. Thank you for your service!


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