Spinal Traction Aiding Chiropractors in Healing Spines

Spinal Traction Aiding Chiropractors in Healing Spines

Here at Oahu Spine & Rehab, we use many kinds of modalities to help our patients get better as efficiently as possible. Our modalities include electronic-stimulation, Kinesio taping, and spinal traction among others. Our medical team will decide if these modalities will be beneficial to your treatment plan based on your specific condition. Just like you may have guessed, a lot of our work here at OSR is related to the spine. One of our modalities that focuses solely on the spine is the spinal traction tables.

Our spinal traction tables are used in treatment by our chiropractors and physical therapy team in order to help stretch out the spine and to help create correct spaces in the vertebrae. Spinal traction relieves the pressure on the spine by rotating and opening each vertebra in a way that is difficult to do naturally. Traction is a good way to take the pressure off compressed discs in your spine. Getting spinal traction can aid in chiropractic care by strengthening the spine’s ability to heal itself. Our chiropractor here at OSR recommends spinal traction for most of our patients with back pain. Not only can the traction tables focus on upper, lower, mid, or full back but they can also help with cervical problems.

Traction is most commonly used for things like:

  • Bone spurs
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Herniated Discs
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Spondylosis
  • Sciatica
  • “Text Neck”
  • Pinched Nerves

Spinal traction is a great way to relieve back pain and correct problems in the spine.  Traction tables can also help alongside a treatment plan at OSR that is designed for straightening or reshaping the spine for best posture. Our traction tables are a great resource for all our patients when it comes to proper spine alignment.

If you are suffering from chronic back pain, call OSR today to schedule your complimentary consultation at 488-5555!

chiropractic adjustment kailua





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