Shoulder Pain & Massage Therapy

Shoulder Pain & Massage Therapy

The shoulder is a ball- and-socket joint which means that it is very vulnerable to get injured. Because the shoulder is constantly used throughout the day, many of our patients here in Kailua come to us with chronic shoulder pain.  Shoulder problems can stem from neck and back problems as well, by meeting with our medical team here at OSR we will be able to figure out where the root of your pain is.

Here at Oahu Spine & Rehab we offer an integrated health center for you to come and get all around care for your shoulder. Our medical team will offer you a plan of care to ensure that we are doing as much as possible in order to relieve your pain. One of the services that may help your shoulder the most is massage therapy. Massage therapy is designed to relieve the tension that is held in your muscles. Most people forget or don’t know how to stretch their shoulders, which can lead to the stiffening of the shoulder muscles or further damage.

A clinical massage will benefit you greatly if you are suffering from pain on a daily basis. With our trigger point massages, our massage therapists focus on the parts of your body that are causing you the most pain. If your muscles are tightened, a massage therapist in our office will be about to work with you help stretch that muscle out and break down scar tissue that you may have built up in that area.

An important factor to sore shoulders is the strength of your shoulder and back muscles. If you are never working out your shoulder muscles, they may be getting weaker which could be affecting your pain and posture. Poor posture leads to weaker back muscles and shoulders that are carrying a lot of weight. Massage therapy alone cannot fully heal your shoulder if you are suffering from a joint swelling or inflammation such as bursitis or a deeper rooted issue, but here at OSR we offer physical therapy and chiropractic care in conjunction with massage therapy so that our team is able to work with you with the best plan of care possible.

Let OSR be your go to massage therapists on Oahu. Combining chiropractic care with an individualized massage therapy regime will help your body achieve balance and health. Contact us for a consultation or to schedule an appointment for therapeutic massage in Kailua.



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