Low Back Pain Risks
Low Back Pain Risks

Low Back Pain Risks

Study Identifies Surprising Triggers for Back Injury

At OSR in Kailua, low back pain is one of the most common symptoms that we care for. Despite it being a common problem, the causes of back pain are not as simple as previously thought, according to a large review study published in Spine Journal.

This study analyzed data from 41 different observational studies.  One very intuitive finding was that the most important risk factor for low back injury is a prior history of any low back pain – not too surprising, right?   But, some of the other key findings were a bit unexpected:

  • Distraction or fatigue during a task or activity was the greatest risk factor for the development of new-onset low back pain.
  • The time of day associated with new onset back pain was early morning, between 7 and 10am.
  • Older age was not significant in predicting a higher incidence of back pain.
  • Body mass index was not associated with the likelihood of a new back injury (even though elevated body mass index slows recovery from the injury).

In this particular study, it was discovered that people that were from the same occupation or same workplace, generally would suffer from the low back pain. A common problem that we see here in Kailua are patients that work manual labor jobs and suffer from lower back pain. Because most labor intensive jobs require lifting of some sort, many of our patients here in Kailua are using incorrect form while working, which after a period of time can cause lower back pain.

How can we interpret these findings?  Are a younger age, fitter body, and exertion during the early hours associated with a belief that one can do whatever one wants or a sense of having no limits?  Regardless, it is likely that improving mindfulness with any activity, at any time, can keep ALL of us safer, and our spines healthier. Here at Oahu Spine & Rehab we are able to treat your lower back pain starting from the root of the problem. With our integrated health center we are able to offer you pain relief.

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