Chronic Pain and Depression

Chronic Pain and Depression

If you or someone you know is suffering with depression seek professional help as soon as possible or call these numbers for more help: (808) 521-4555 / (808) 521-4556

Chronic pain changes your life drastically from day to day. One major side effect of chronic pain that is common in patients is depression. Often times you are in too much pain to do things that matter to you most. Whether it is physical activities or something as simple as playing with your children, chronic pain can inhibit you day to day activities. OSR is here to help ease your chronic pain to improve your quality of life.

Depression is a mental illness that affects your mind and body. Sleep problems are a common symptom of chronic pain and depression alike. Trouble falling asleep is common with chronic pain, and sleeping too often is a sign of depression. Sleeping problems are a common symptom that our physical therapy patients bring in to OSR. Being in constant pain can cause you to wake up throughout the night leaving you tired through your day.

One thing that is common with chronic pain is over compensating with your other muscles. This can cause you to have muscle aches and joint pain due to unnecessary stresses. When one part of your body is experiencing pain it is your first reaction to try to alleviate the pain on your own by putting more pressure on your other body parts in order to take pressure off the injured area. Pain and depression are closely linked in the brain, and people suffering from depression are more three times as likely to develop ongoing pain.

Chiropractor Kailua


Depression and chronic pain are responsible for drastic changes in appetite or weight. With depression, it is common that people lose all appetite while depressed, or that they try to console their depression by over-eating which causes them to gain weight. Chronic pain can also cause weight gain because people suffering from pain are less likely to be physically active because it causes them pain.

A major way to reduce pain as well as depression is to avoid smoking as well as to reduce your alcohol intake. Many people will turn to alcohol in order to be able to go to sleep when facing depression or chronic pain. Drinking alcohol before bed will help you fall asleep faster but it negatively effects your REM sleep which means that you will actually be having a less restful sleep.  Smoking provides temporary relief for millions of Americans. What you may not realize is that smoking will actually slow the healing process for pain so it’s crucial to quit or keep it to a minimum.

It is important when dealing with chronic pain to try to be as positive as possible in your situation. Although it is difficult to keep your spirits high, it is important that you are positive and stay focused on a road to recovery.  Give OSR a call if you are dealing with chronic pain that could be leading to depression.


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